It is now certain: a new Corona lockdown has arrived in some countries in Europe. Businesses are closing, contacts have to be limited and even for working life, explicit recommendations for working from home are issued in Switzerland, Germany and France. Well, it's not the first time, but what is the best way to be focused and productive in a home office?
Here are 8 tips for working successfully and productively in a home office:
Tip 1: A good workplace
Sounds simple, but it is. In order to be able to mentally adjust to the home office, we need a fixed place. A place where we know inside: this is where I work! It is important to let the television armchair be the television armchair and the dining table be the dining table. Only in this way do we know where our fixed home office place is and are therefore less likely to be distracted.

Tip 2: Learn routines
Routines are the key to not falling into a rut. Even if we feel like we have all day in the home office, our day should have a routine. Set a fixed time that you want to start at the latest and start the day with a ritual. You love coffee? Then grab your favorite cup and make yourself a coffee before you sit down at your desk. Maybe you need a little more variety? Then set different rituals for different days. Maybe you want to have a leisurely breakfast with your family once a week? The main thing is to have a routine.
Tip 3: Take conscious breaks
Breaks. We all need them and they are important! Home office breaks help us stay productive and provide the necessary balance.
Moving around helps you to switch off, clear your head and thus gain new energy. Take a short walk in the fresh air, grab your mat and do a round of yoga or just get up for a short stretch.
Do nothing
Just do nothing. Take a cup of coffee or tea, consciously sit down in a different place, close your eyes, breathe deeply and consciously do nothing for 5 minutes.

Tip 4: Familiar routines and sounds
Is it too quiet in the home office? Or the children are too loud? You miss the familiar noises? The humming printer, the sighing of colleagues or the squeaking of chairs? Then we have a recommendation for you! Take a look at "I Miss the Office". There you'll find the familiar sounds of everyday office life and maybe you'll miss the office a little less! Check it out now!
Tip 5: Set goals
Write a to-do list and set goals. What do you want to achieve on this day? What tasks do you have to do? It helps to be aware of your deadlines at the beginning of the day, so that you can prioritize your work in the home office and keep track of it.
Tip 6: Reward yourself
Have mercy on you! Not every day goes equally well. Make room for small rewards. Maybe your favorite candy bar after you complete a task or make a resolution to order a takeaway dish from your favorite restaurant after your work day.
Tip 7: Get creative with Red Dead Redemption II
Bored of using the same programs and tools all the time? Can't stand Zoom and Google Hangouts anymore? Then get creative and try something new. Become a cowboy and meet your team around the campfire in the game Red Dead Redemption II. Sound crazy? Get inspired and check out the post from the Business Punk editorial team here:
No need for Zoom and Co.: This team uses "Red Dead Re" for meetings.demption II"
Tip 8: Co-working
Do you need a change from your home office routine? Do you enjoy working with like-minded people? Then maybe a co-working space is right for you. With enough distance and adapted to the current measures, you can bring some momentum into your everyday life and even hold meetings with your team. OBC Suisse offers modern and flexible and modern rooms for the Co-working in Basel and Zurich. There are also modern Meeting rooms in Basel and Zurich for your team meeting. Find out more right now!